Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy Saturday, Friends!

For me, it's right up there with training effort, hours put in, times recorded, and goals achieved. You go into an event or game with the right mindset, you'll get to the finish line.

It's time to create your Mindset for the next 8 weeks. 
When I train for Ironman events, one of my biggest mindsets that helps me train and compete at a "not so comfortable" level has always been "having no regrets." When the 4x2 mile sprint repeat training sets would get hard, I'd ask myself, "would I have regrets if I pulled back and didn't run as hard during this repeat?" Heck yeah, because if I didn't, I'd not be fully prepared for my event. At mile 22 of the marathon during an Ironman would I have regrets if I didn't make my legs move as fast as they could - no matter how difficult or painful it feels - after being on them 10 hours? Heck yeah. I trained too many hours, too many months, and now raced too long and hard to not give it my darnedest right now. I'm not going to let the wrong decision that in the moment might "feel the best" give me something to look back upon and totally regret having made the wrong decision.

No regrets.

For me, "No Regrets" is something I personally apply to a lot in my life. It's a baseline I make decisions off of. If I'm struggling to do the right thing today and something happened that I wasn't able to do it tomorrow, would I have regrets. Heck yeah. So I'm making the right decision today. If I have a goal I'm in the midst of accomplishing and I'm faced with a decision that will derail me from that goal, am I going to allow the wrong decision to sidetrack me? Absolutely not. Keep your priorities clear and no matter what pain, anguish, temporary pleasure, or "tease" you face in the moment, you will know what you need/want to do for yourself and the bigger goal. No Regrets.


Get Your Game Face On, Friends. 
The Start Line is Monday and You Have A Goal.

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