Monday, March 31, 2014

Mooove Over Flavored Dairy!

Day One! How's it going? Still got some cubes left in the bank? I've got a very special one banked for tonight :-) Can't wait to use it when it's 5 o'clock - somewhere!

Everyone that I've talked to today is doing great! If you've had some troubles, let me know! One area I've heard some confusion is "there's sugar grams listed, but there aren't any 'words' listed in the ingredients that match added sugar?!?" Most specifically, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts.

Perfect! Then there's no added sugar. Dairy products, a la natural, unsweetened, unflavored DO have sugar (lactose) in them. It's the natural stuff. Thus, there's no "added sugar" so you don't need to count it as a spoon(ful or two ;-) HOWEVER, if your yogurt or milk  has flavoring added to it, then you will need to count those grams as added sugar (4 grams = 1 teaspoon). Clear as a cloudy day?

Here's an example:
This is Greek Gods Plain Yogurt - key word: plain. It's got 15grams of sugar listed in the nutrition facts. But if I look in the ingredients it does not have any sugar items listed in there: no juice, cane, syrup, -ose, sugar, nada. So it's all natural and I do not have to deduct any sugar cubes.
If it HAD sugar listed in ingredients section (which it wouldn't unless it was, say, vanilla flavored), then I would look at the serving size listed right below "Nutrition Facts". It says a serving size is 1 cup (gag - that's a lot of yogurt!) So in my 1/3 c serving there are 5 grams (15/3 ;-) So I would mark off about 1 serving cube on my chart.

How might one transition from flavored yogurts to plain? Berries, peaches, a few nuts. Use your yogurt as more of a "coating" to what you add instead of the Great Sea that the add on's just sit on top of.

Another question was nuts and nut butters. Nuts are a fruit; fruits have natural sugar. So straight out of the bag, off the tree, nuts without flavors, will have a touch of sugar listed - but not in the ingredients. Nut Butters? I'd suggest grinding them up yourself (HEB 4 Points has nut grinders in the bin food area by pots and pans - but the "honey" peanut butter will have sugar/honey added). If you buy a jar of nut butter, just glance at the ingredients list and see if you see "sugar, cane juice, syrup, maple" added. If so, gotta count those sugar grams.

Be sure to keep your log. It's for your eyes and your journey! Just fill each day in like a bar graph and be accountable - to your, your "authentic" desires and goals!

Happy Monday!

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