Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 1 Get Out Work Out

Tuesday 4/1
250 push ups
250 sit ups
250 pull ups.
250 squats.
April Fools.

Ok, sorry. Had to throw the holiday prank into your day somehow ;-) But 250 reps is key to today's workout!

Alrighty, time to get started with simple, quick, concise daily Get Out Work Outs at home. And they will add up. By the end of May you will be able to look back and see what a little time and commitment can add up to. The feeling of accomplishment and dedication to yourself, a plan, and a goal.

The purpose is to give you short, functional workouts that compliment your two weekly COREbyFOUR group workouts, focusing on core, push/pull, lower body strength, and mobility/flexibility. 

You can do the Get Outs as a stand alone workout, you can invite family, friends, neighbors, kids to do it with you, or you can tack it on to another workout/run/bike - whatever you're doing. No doubling up - simply schedule a maximum of 20' a day to get it in. 

The jest is it doesn't matter what time of day you do it; how you do it; who you do it with; just commit to it, make it happen, and GET OUT and get 'er done! No excuses; Rain AND Shine!

Tuesday 4/1 Get Out Work Out

Warm Up :30 elbow plank

Do 5 rounds of the following with no break:
*5 full/deep push ups
*10 step back lunge with trunk twist to front knee side (each foot counts)
*15 squats or squat jumps
*20 Fire Hydrants each leg (10 each direction per leg)
*1:30 jump rope (do what you can here; keep moving)

Cool Down: :30 elbow plank

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