Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 2: Get Out Work Out

(Milburn: this is your Thursday Get Out/Steiner this is your Wednesday Get Out)

warm up: 1' (minute) IT Band Foam Roller (side of legs) each side

4 Rounds of the Following:
  • :30 elbow plank
  • :30 squats/:30 burpee: jumping or walking
  • :30 alternating lunge with trunk twist to front knee side /:30 "harvard lunge" (split lunge with or without jump or hop - your choice)
  • :30 fire hydrants as :15 each leg - alternate directions each set
  • 1:00 jump rope
cool down: 1' (minute) IT Band Foam Roller (side of legs) each side

1 comment:

  1. 2T of salt lick BBQ sauce on Turkey. Best cube I've spent so far!
