Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2/Wk 5 Get Out Work Out

We all have our little voices inside our heads. They raise their ugly, cynic selves at work, home, health, sport, society - you've heard them. "You can, you can't, you should, you could, this one time won't hurt, I'll start that tomorrow, only if, yaddy yaddy yadda..." 

What's the little voice inside your head? Are you going to own it or let it own you??

Set 1
*tabata timer: 12 cycles/sets of :30 exercise time/:05 transition - try to not take any breaks; just move right into next set

2 Rounds of:
:30 quad foam roll
:30 elbow plank on roller, floor, or knees
:30 Left IT foam roller
:30 Left side plank on roller, floor, or knee
:30 Right IT foam roller
:30 Right side plank on roller, floor, or knee

Set 2
*tabata timer: 12 cycles/sets of :50 exercise time/:10 transition - try to not take any breaks; just move right into next set

2 Rounds of:
:50 9 push ups remainder tall plank on toes or knees
:50 Burpee no pushup (take note, Sutherland.)
:50 Left Leg Lunge do not alternate feet, hold jump rope tight overhead
:50 Right Leg Lunge do not alternate feet, hold jump rope tight overhead
2:00 jump rope (or two back to back sets on tabata, do not take transition break)

1/Wk 5 Get Out Work Out

Warm Up: 4:00 Jump Rope

Main Set
*tabata timers: set for 4 cycles/sets of: :50 exercise/:10 transition

:50 squat jump
:50 as 9 burpees then body weight squat for remainder
:50 alternating step forward lunge either holding weight at chest or hands on hips
:50 as 9 push ups then hold tall plank

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Good things come in FIVES!! 5/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*if using tabata timer: 15 cycles/:15 exercise time/:05 transition

3 Rounds:
*knees, toes or transitioning right to next exercise without breaking form
:15 tall plank
:15 push up
:15 tall plank
:15 elbow plank

Set 2
*if using tabata timer: 15 cycles/ 1:00 exercise time/:10 transition

3 rounds of:
1:00 jump rope (single or both legs)
1:00 right leg lunge squat without alternating feet holding jump rope in half pulled tight overhead
1:00 jump rope (single or both legs)
1:00 left leg lunge squat without alternating feet holding jump rope in half pulled tight overhead
1:00 as :30 left leg lunge jump, not alternating legs; :30 right leg lunge jump, not alternating legs

Set 3
*if using tabata timer: 10 cycles/:15 exercise time/:05 transition

2 Rounds:
*knees, toes or transitioning right to next exercise without breaking form
:15 tall plank
:15 push up
:15 tall plank
:15 elbow plank

Friday, April 25, 2014

4/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

COREbyFOUR, baby!

Sets 1-3: *Set Tabata Timer for 12 cycles of :30/:15

Set 1
2 Rounds of:
:30 elbow plank
:30 dolphin

Set 2
4 Rounds of:
:30 8 push ups, remainder tall plank

Set 3
2 Rounds of:
:30 dolphin
:30 elbow plank

Set 4:00 Jump Rope (or set tabata for 4x:59/:1 transition)

Set 5
*set tabata timer for 16 cycles of :30 exercise/:10 transition

2 Rounds of:
1:00 (or 2 tabata rounds) step back lunge with twist to bent knee side left leg
:30 left leg lunge jump but don't alternate feet
1:00 (or 2 tabata rounds) step back lunge with twist to bent knee side right leg
:30 right leg lunge jump but don't alternate feet
1:00 as: :15 heisman (side to side hop lunge); :15 burpee/pushup; :15 body weight squat; :15 squat jump (work through :10 tabata transition time)

3/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

Main Set
*if using a tabata timer: 18 cycles/sets of 1:00 exercise time/:10 transition

3 Rounds of:
2:00 Jump Rope (or two sets on tabata, jump through transition time)
1:00 left leg stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders - left leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of left leg. try to barely touch right knee to floor; left knee square over left foot
1:00 right leg stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders - right leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of right leg. try to barely touch left knee to floor; rt. knee square over rt. foot
1:00 8 push ups, then right down to elbow plank for remainder
1:00 as: :15 seconds each of: Heisman (side to side "hop" lunge on one foot); burpee with push up; body weight squats; squat jumps

Foam Roller Quads 1:30

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

Hope you are enjoying a beautiful spring day - and enjoying WHO you ARE - inside and out!!
Steiners Wed Get Out and Milburn's Thursday

Set 1
*if using a tabata timer, set to 9 cycles/sets of :40 exercise/:05 transition

4 Rounds of
:40 quad foam roller (change toe position on each :40 round)
:40 8 push ups, remainder tall plank
:40 elbow plank with small hip raises/pikes if on foam roller; static if on knees or toes

Set 2
*if using a tabata timer, set to 12 cycles/sets of :50 exercise/:10 transition

3 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders - left leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of left leg. try to barely touch right knee to floor; left knee square over left foot
:50 stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders- right leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of right leg. try to barely touch left knee to floor; right knee square over left foot
:50 body weight squat/jump sequence holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders; squat/squat/squat/jump/repeat for :50

Monday, April 21, 2014

1/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

I've always loved mermaids.
Now I understand why.

Set 1
*if using tabata timer: 16 cycles/sets of :30 exercise/:05 transition

2 Rounds of:
1:00 (or two :30 sets on tabata) Left Side IT Foam Roller
:30 Left Side Side Plank (both feet on roller, ground or step. Can raise top leg)
:30 Left Side Half Turkish Get Up, with or without weight...FORM FORM FORM
1:00 (or two :30 sets on tabata) Right Side IT Foam Roller
:30 Right Side Side Plank (both feet on roller, ground or step. Can raise top leg)
:30 Right Side Half Turkish Get Up, with or without weight...FORM FORM FORM

Set 2
*if using tabata timer: 12 cycles/sets of :50 exercise/:10 transition

3 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 burpee with push up
:50 step back alternating lunge with twist to bent knee side
:50 kettlebell or dumbbell swing (strong squat and stand)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

5 PEEP Workout: 5/Wk 3 Get Out Work Out

It's just 5 Peeps. They feel weightless, look pretty, melt in your mouth....

Wait. You said melt in your mouth? Know why?

5 Peeps has 140 calories in them and weighs about 42g. (And if you watched the 60 Minutes video, you have a better understanding that it's not the CALORIES that COUNT, but WHAT the calories are made of that counts.)

Out of that 42grams, 36 of them are carbs. Out of the 36 carbs, 34 grams are sugar with 15 grams being sodium to preserve them. 

(Like they need preserving. What's going to go bad, for Peep's sake??)

So, in celebration of Easter, "Peeps", here's the:

Package O' PEEPs Workout:
34 cycles of :34 seconds = ~20 minutes

Set 1
*tabata timer users: set for 12 cycles/sets of :34 exercise time/:05 transition

4 Rounds of:
:34 elbow plank
:34 tall plank
:34 7 push ups/remainder tall plank

Set 2
*tabata timer users: set for 12 cycles/sets of :34 exercise time/:10 transition

4 Rounds of:
:34 fast jump rope
:34 squat/frog jumps
:34 goblet squat (with weight if you choose)

Set 3
*tabata timer users: set for 10 cycles/sets of :34 exercise time/:10 transition

5 Rounds of:
:34 harvard lunge
:34 alternating step back lunge, hands-on waist or hold a weight

And on that note, I truly do hope you each have a wonderful Easter celebrating the true meaning of the day with family and friends.

Friday, April 18, 2014

4/Wk 3 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*if using a tabata timer, set for: 10 cycles/sets of :50 exercise time/:10 transition or work straight through transition

2 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope (single legs :25 each or both legs for :50)
:50 body weight squat, holding jump rope shoulder width tight overhead - no push up; just good, strong, tall plank. 
:50 prisoner burpee (never stand up, hips low, finger tips up behind head between each burpee)
:50 alternating forward lunge, hands on hips
:50 harvard lunge (fast feet alternating lunge touching top of curb/step,etc, hands can touch step or stay chest level)

Set 2
*if using a tabata timer, set for: 12 cycles/sets of :40 exercise time/:05 transition

3 Rounds of:
:40 half turkish get up left side (no weight, just form, straight arm STAYS straight up, IN imaginary target)
:40 half turkish get up right side
:40 7 push ups, remainder tall plank
:40 elbow plank

Foam Roller
1:00 each leg inner thigh

The Sweet Truth?

Many of you have asked "How am I going to get through Easter?" referring to the sweets, the festivities, the family and social opportunities.

I thought I'd share with you a 60 Minutes video clip about sugar. There's a doctor interviewed that I follow, mainly for my personal knowledge and continuing education benefit. 

I'm of the mindset that "knowledge is power." I can give you a vast amount of info about nutrition, exercise, being strong, and having will power; but to be educated and make decisions based on knowledge is an entirely different benefit.

The info you'll hear in this video, whether you watch it or just listen to it while driving, think it to be subjective or objective, is basically the cliff notes version of a series that the University of California is offering on their UCTV program. 

You can take it or leave it, or just take a snippet from it. Up to you. My goal, as it has been with this entire challenge, is that you then decide to educate yourself (and your family and friends) to find the information that works for you and that helps you make healthy choices. I'm just giving you info to give you an appetite to start the exploration.

Have a GOOD Friday!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

3/Wk3 Get Out Work Out

You don't need a tabata timer today - just a good old fashioned watch or clock. Try to keep the sets back to back with only designated rest times.

Set 1
*try to start sets on toes, if you need to drop to knees, stay in diagonal line. 

3 Rounds of:
:30 7 push ups, remainder tall plank
:30 7 Left Arm leads: "plank risers" remainder tall plank (single arm push up/and then lower to elbow plank) 
:30 7 Right Arm leads: "plank risers" remainder tall plank (single arm push up/and then lower to elbow plank) 
:30 elbow plank
Rest :15 between the 3 rounds

Set 2

2 Rounds of:
1:00 left side only lateral lunge (hips push back, step in heel, drop low)
1:00 right side only lateral lunge (hips push back, step in heel, drop low)
1:00 right foot only step back lunge with twist to bent knee side
1:00 left foot only step back lunge with twist to bent knee side
2:00 jump rope

no rest between the two rounds

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

r u fed up?

If you are interested in a subjective view on the sugar epidemic in America...

How do you feel about sugar now?
Don't get mad. Get Even.
slash the sugar.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2/Wk 3: STILL SLASHing the SUGAR??

Week 3. Less than 6 teaspoons/week, gals; 9 guys.

How are we doing? Some are holding on tight, some may have strayed a bit. 

Come back.


Adjust your scope. 

If you're off track, let me or someone know. You need an accountability partner. There are plenty to go around, trust me! Perhaps it's just one habit to change. One adjustment to your eating to change. One step at a time.  

2/Wk3 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
(*if using tabata timer, set to 16 sets/cycles of :50 exercise time/:10 transition)

4 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 of burpee (no push up, with jump)
:50 of 7 push ups then remainder tall plank
:50 elbow plank superman (knee raises up to outside of body and body shifts forward, knees or toes)

Set 2
(*if using tabata timer, 4 sets/cycles of :50 exercise time/:10 transition)

:50 seconds each Foam Roll aggressively:
*Quads (changing foot position, internal/external rotation)
*IT Left Leg
*IT Right Leg

Monday, April 14, 2014

1/Wk 3 Get Out Work Out

QOTD (quote of the day) in honor of KT's big "I C*&%T" bomb today! First one of the challenge, KT! You should be so proud! 50 Push Ups, Milburn! woohoo! (just a cool down for Shuron's 192 :-)

Week THREE!!! How are we doing? I'm hearing the majority of you say "I'm doing it! I'm staying within my sugar bars!" Now, that's not without some gritching and groaning from a few of you (biting my tongue on another shout out here...), but all in all, I do believe we are kicking sugar's booty! Especially our kiddos! Now THAT's a reason to SHOUT OUT!

I'm curious to know what some of us are replacing our sugar needs with? It is interesting how our body creates cravings based on time of day. My stupid vice was every time I'd get in the car, I'd crave a piece of gum. Can I tell you the battle I've had with that little 1/2"x1/2" coated cube in the past 2 weeks? It was a blasted addiction. I certainly didn't need it for fuel - it was a stupid craving. "I am stronger than a piece of gum." For Pete's sake, I sure hope I am! 

I wonder, is that little piece or glass of chocolate (milk) before bedtime out of habit or craving? Some of us were taking in another 2-300 calories before bedtime with our little chocolatey sugary pleasure. If you're not doing that anymore, that's a minimum 30-40 minutes of working out or exercising that you no longer need to burn that little bedtime simple pleasure. Hmm....pass on 8 oz of udder delight or do 192 push ups?

Please feel free to share what's changing for you. You'll be amazed how it can help another person stay committed - to their "authentic" self ;-)

1/Wk3 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
(*if using a tabata timer, set to 24 cycles/sets of :20 work/:5 transition)

4 Rounds of:
:20 LEFT Leg IT Foam Roller
:20 LEFT Side Plank Star (on knee, feet, roller or step; top leg and arm up; big strong reach)
:40 Elbow Plank (two continuous work sets on tabata timer here; try not to bring knees down if possible)
:20 RIGHT Side Plank Star (on knee, feet, roller or step; top leg and arm up; big strong reach)
:20 RIGHT Leg IT Foam Roller

Set 2
(*if using a tabata timer, 18 cycles/sets of :30 work/:10 transition)

3 Rounds of:
:30 Left Leg Fire Hydrant Circles (:15 forward/:15 backward)
:30 Left Leg Side Step Lunge (step into heal/push butt back)
:30 Left Leg Jump Rope
:30 Right Leg Fire Hydrant Circles (:15 forward/:15 backward)
:30 Right Leg Side Step Lunge (step into heal/push butt back)
:30 Right Leg Jump Rope

Saturday, April 12, 2014

5/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Congratulations! We have a winner of the Get Out Work Out Over Achiever Award!

Shuron, you win! 192 Push Ups for yesterday's Get Out! Ouch. In your honor, we will NOT do 192 push ups today. (If you were Carey or Justyne, you would ask if you get extra sugar cubes for that - No.)

5/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out
*If using tabata timer: 21 rounds/sets of :50 (seconds)/:10 (seconds) transition/recovery

3 Rounds of:
:50 quad foam roller
:50 jump squat
:50 IT Band foam roller LEFT leg
:50 LEFT foot forward lunge; hold position and lunge jump (do not alternate feet)
:50 IT Band foam roller RIGHT leg
:50 RIGHT foot forward lunge; hold position and lunge jump (do not alternate feet)
:50 6 push ups then remainder elbow plank

Friday, April 11, 2014

4/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

My dad used to tell me to "pull it up by the boot straps". I'd hear it often - when I was having a bad day, when I wasn't giving it my all, when I "fell down", and when I lost my focus.

"Pull It Up By The Boot Straps", friends. You are in a pivotal time of the challenge; it's coming to the end of week two and it is time to make a decision: Focus and Do This Thing or..."there will be another one". There's no guarantee there will be "another" anything (ouch, I know, but true).

Now's the time. Make a change. Get 'er done. No Regrets.
2 Group Work Outs
5 Get Out Work Outs
6/9 sugar cubes
...& lots of friends that care!

4/Wk2 Get Out Work Out

Set 1 
*Tabata Timer: 8 rounds :30 exercise time/:10 transition/recovery

4 Rounds of:
(up to you to either hold up entire time and NOT touch ground and make one continual exercise or take the transition time)

:30 elbow plank
:30 6 push ups then hold tall plank

Set 2
*Tabata Timer: not really a Tabata-style set, but if you choose to use the timer, transitions are quick, sets back to back and you will get a little extra time in: 30 rounds of :30 exercise time/:5 transition

3 Rounds of:
2:00 jump rope (4 sets of :30 if using tabata timer)
1:30 body weight squat (hold jump rope in half overhead and pull end to end) (3 sets of :30)
1:00 alternating step back lunge with trunk twist to bent knee side (2 sets of :30)
:30 Harvard fast lunges (optional floor touch) (1 set of :30)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

3/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
If using a Tabata timer: 18 sets/cycles of :30 exercise time/:10 transition/rest

3 Rounds of:
:30 IT Foam Roller Left Leg
:30 Hip Dips Side Plank Left Side (on knee, floor, roller, step)
:30 IT Foam Roller Right Leg
:30 Hip Dips Side Plank Right Side
:30 6 Push ups then remainder of time in tall plank (on knee, floor, roller, step)
:30 elbow plank (straight down from plank, no rest if possible)

Set 2
If using Tabata timer: 24 sets/cycles of :30 exercise time/:10 transition/rest 

3 Rounds of:
:30 Left Leg Fire Hydrant Circles Forward 
:30 " ...... Backward
:30 Left Leg Step Back Lunge with Twist to Bent Knee Side
:30 Right Leg Fire Hydrant Circles forward
:30 " ....... Backward
:30 Right Leg Step Back Lunge with Twist to Bent Knee Side
:30 Harvard fast alternating lunge
:30 fast, new jump rope rhythm 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Steiner - you can do this one Wednesday; Milburn Thursday

Set 1
Set Interval/Tabata Timer to: 15 sets of :20 w/ :10 Transition

3 Rounds of:
:20 Left Leg Foam Roller IT Band
:20 Left Side Plank Hip Dip
:20 Right Leg Foam Roller IT Band
:20 Right Side Plank Hip Dip 
:20 Push Ups (nice, slow, strong)

Set 2
Set Interval/Tabata Timer to: 15 sets of :50 w/ :10 Transition

3 Rounds of:
:50 Jump Rope (change your rhythm today; speed 'er up!)
:50 Body Weight Squat (fold jump rope in half, hold over head, and pull end to end)
:50 Speed Burpee (on floor in tall plank, no jump, no push up - as many as possible in 1:00)
:50 Forward Step Alternating Lunge (step forward into heel, hands on hips)
:50 Tall Plank (knees or toes, roller or ground, push strong against ground)

Monday, April 7, 2014

1/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

A few folks have asked about a good way to stay on track with their daily Get Out Work Outs. You can use a timer, a clock, or I LOVE using a tabata timer app. There are many out there, and many that are free. I use Tabata+ Pro. What I love about it is that when I have workouts that are time based, then you can set the timer and not worry about another thing till the workout is over. Plus, it keeps those transitions short and keeps you moving (no names, KT ;-)

Moving forward I will tell you how you can set your tabata timer for workouts where it would be beneficial to use it.

1/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*Set Tabata Timer For: 9 sets of :20/:10 Recovery (RI)

3 Rounds of:
:20 Left Side Plank Hip Dips (choice: feet on floor, roller, step, curb)
:20 Right Side Plank Hip Dips
:20 Tall OR 1/2 Bent Arm Hover Plank (bend arms to deepest comfortable level and 'hover' for the :20; choice: feet on floor, roller, step, curb)

Set 2
*Set Tabata Timer For: 6 sets of :30/:10 Recovery (RI)

3 Rounds of:
:30 sprawl burpee
:30 alternating step back lunge with twist to bent knee side
:30 1 bound forward/2 bounds back in downhill ski position
:30 body weight squat
1:20 Jump Rope (2 tabata sets plus the Recovery intervals on Timer straight thru = 1:20 total)

Set 3
*Set Tabata Timer For: 6 sets of :30/:10 Recovery (RI)

:30 Side Leg Lift each position, each leg ("4, 6, 7" with top leg, floor to 10-12" up, control!) Hug knee, stretch hip between each set of :30

1:00 each hip, Glute Foam Roller

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 5 Get Out Work Out

We are almost one week into SLASH the SUGAR and I've had interesting feedback, insights, lifestyle changes, and "ah-ha" moments - from adults and kids!

Many of you have told me how much better you feel - "surprisingly". Others have been shocked that they were getting so much sugar in their diet when they weren't even trying to eat something sweet. And some of you, who are already very conscious, cautious eaters, have found a few things out about what you've been eating by habit as well!

I've also learned a few things:
  • The chocolate milk I was addicted to while training for Ironman has 155 grams of sugar in it!!  I was drinking the entire bottle at the grocery store while shopping a couple times a week back then! Eeek! 
  • That having your OCD child count sugar grams is probably not good for one's own personal sugar consumption (wine ;-)
  • Having your husband at a lighter weight than he's been in 30 years ain't a bad thing!
So far, it has been a fun journey! Keep the info coming!

Day 5 Get Out Work Out

Warm Up: 1:00 Each Side IT Band Foam Roller

4 Rounds of:

:30 Elbow Plank
:30 Tall Plank on hands (constantly pushing ground away & if you want to up the level, go from planks right up into push ups)
5 Push Ups

4 Rounds of:

:30 fire hydrant each leg, each direction (thus, 1:00/leg)
10 squat jumps
15 body weight squats (slow and everything tight)
20 alternating step back lunges with trunk twist to bent knee side
25 Harvard lunges (the fast feet lunges each leg counts)
1:30 jump rope

Cool Down
1:30 Quad Foam Roller
1:30 Hamstring Foam Roller

Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 4 Get Out Work Out

4 Rounds of:
1:00 Jump Rope
1:00 Body Weight Squat (work on keeping everything in body constantly contracted during squat, go for your deepest squat position)

3 Rounds of:
1:00 Alternating step back lunge (stand up completely between each lunge, tightening glutes as much as possible and keeping everything in body constantly contracted)
:30 each leg fire hydrant lift (side lift up and down, knee 90 degrees)

4 Rounds of:
5 deep, strong push ups
:30 plank 
*If you need to up your challenge, make this one set with no breaks; hold constant position either knees the entire time or toes so you are constantly in plank and just move from elbows to push up position.

2:00 quad foam roller

Have a GREAT Weekend!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3 Get Out Work Out

I had a friend remind me this week of a quote I used to tell my clients. It rang very true with me and a reminder of personal integrity. I'm not talking about the integrity I have to "others", but the integrity I have to "myself" - who I want to be, why I want to be that, what my passions are, how I want to feel, and what it takes for me to feel that way - inside and out - day in and day out.

I've used that quote so many times during my training and competitive career, my parenting chapters, as a wife, and as a person. I've used it to make many a decision: "is this contributing to who I am 'when no one body's watching'?" I've also used it in parenting, like when our youngest son (a dramatic self-described "ginger") falls apart and rolls on the ground in anguish because he forgot something at school, is this who you are "when nobody's watching"?

It can be applied to big decisions or to the tiniest. If I skip this workout today, "when nobody's watching", is that who I really am? If I pop that little chocolate dove bar in my mouth right before I go to bed "when nobody's watching," is that who I really am - and want to be?

I love this quote. It empowers me to always be me - "when nobody's watching."

Get Out Work Out 3

Warm Up: 2:00 jump rope

Set 1: Foam Roller
3 Sets of the following:

  • 1:00 foam roll the quads, hip to knee
  • :30 elbow plank (knees, toes, or toes on roller)
  • 5 push ups (knees, toes, or toes on roller) *challenge yourself - try to use roller with toes on it on both these!)

2:00 jump rope

Set 2: Hipsters
3 Sets of the following:

  • Fire Hydrant: :30 each leg - hip circles (change directions with each)
  • Step Back lunges with Floor Touch: :30 each leg (when you get up from fire hydrant, the stability leg stays the stability leg - i.e.: if you were doing circles with left leg, you step back into low lunge with left leg; hands touch ground by front foot)
2:00 jump rope

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 2: Get Out Work Out

(Milburn: this is your Thursday Get Out/Steiner this is your Wednesday Get Out)

warm up: 1' (minute) IT Band Foam Roller (side of legs) each side

4 Rounds of the Following:
  • :30 elbow plank
  • :30 squats/:30 burpee: jumping or walking
  • :30 alternating lunge with trunk twist to front knee side /:30 "harvard lunge" (split lunge with or without jump or hop - your choice)
  • :30 fire hydrants as :15 each leg - alternate directions each set
  • 1:00 jump rope
cool down: 1' (minute) IT Band Foam Roller (side of legs) each side