Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

Hope you are enjoying a beautiful spring day - and enjoying WHO you ARE - inside and out!!
Steiners Wed Get Out and Milburn's Thursday

Set 1
*if using a tabata timer, set to 9 cycles/sets of :40 exercise/:05 transition

4 Rounds of
:40 quad foam roller (change toe position on each :40 round)
:40 8 push ups, remainder tall plank
:40 elbow plank with small hip raises/pikes if on foam roller; static if on knees or toes

Set 2
*if using a tabata timer, set to 12 cycles/sets of :50 exercise/:10 transition

3 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders - left leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of left leg. try to barely touch right knee to floor; left knee square over left foot
:50 stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders- right leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of right leg. try to barely touch left knee to floor; right knee square over left foot
:50 body weight squat/jump sequence holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders; squat/squat/squat/jump/repeat for :50

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