Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 4 Get Out Work Out

4 Rounds of:
1:00 Jump Rope
1:00 Body Weight Squat (work on keeping everything in body constantly contracted during squat, go for your deepest squat position)

3 Rounds of:
1:00 Alternating step back lunge (stand up completely between each lunge, tightening glutes as much as possible and keeping everything in body constantly contracted)
:30 each leg fire hydrant lift (side lift up and down, knee 90 degrees)

4 Rounds of:
5 deep, strong push ups
:30 plank 
*If you need to up your challenge, make this one set with no breaks; hold constant position either knees the entire time or toes so you are constantly in plank and just move from elbows to push up position.

2:00 quad foam roller

Have a GREAT Weekend!!

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