Thursday, April 17, 2014

3/Wk3 Get Out Work Out

You don't need a tabata timer today - just a good old fashioned watch or clock. Try to keep the sets back to back with only designated rest times.

Set 1
*try to start sets on toes, if you need to drop to knees, stay in diagonal line. 

3 Rounds of:
:30 7 push ups, remainder tall plank
:30 7 Left Arm leads: "plank risers" remainder tall plank (single arm push up/and then lower to elbow plank) 
:30 7 Right Arm leads: "plank risers" remainder tall plank (single arm push up/and then lower to elbow plank) 
:30 elbow plank
Rest :15 between the 3 rounds

Set 2

2 Rounds of:
1:00 left side only lateral lunge (hips push back, step in heel, drop low)
1:00 right side only lateral lunge (hips push back, step in heel, drop low)
1:00 right foot only step back lunge with twist to bent knee side
1:00 left foot only step back lunge with twist to bent knee side
2:00 jump rope

no rest between the two rounds

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