Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3 Get Out Work Out

I had a friend remind me this week of a quote I used to tell my clients. It rang very true with me and a reminder of personal integrity. I'm not talking about the integrity I have to "others", but the integrity I have to "myself" - who I want to be, why I want to be that, what my passions are, how I want to feel, and what it takes for me to feel that way - inside and out - day in and day out.

I've used that quote so many times during my training and competitive career, my parenting chapters, as a wife, and as a person. I've used it to make many a decision: "is this contributing to who I am 'when no one body's watching'?" I've also used it in parenting, like when our youngest son (a dramatic self-described "ginger") falls apart and rolls on the ground in anguish because he forgot something at school, is this who you are "when nobody's watching"?

It can be applied to big decisions or to the tiniest. If I skip this workout today, "when nobody's watching", is that who I really am? If I pop that little chocolate dove bar in my mouth right before I go to bed "when nobody's watching," is that who I really am - and want to be?

I love this quote. It empowers me to always be me - "when nobody's watching."

Get Out Work Out 3

Warm Up: 2:00 jump rope

Set 1: Foam Roller
3 Sets of the following:

  • 1:00 foam roll the quads, hip to knee
  • :30 elbow plank (knees, toes, or toes on roller)
  • 5 push ups (knees, toes, or toes on roller) *challenge yourself - try to use roller with toes on it on both these!)

2:00 jump rope

Set 2: Hipsters
3 Sets of the following:

  • Fire Hydrant: :30 each leg - hip circles (change directions with each)
  • Step Back lunges with Floor Touch: :30 each leg (when you get up from fire hydrant, the stability leg stays the stability leg - i.e.: if you were doing circles with left leg, you step back into low lunge with left leg; hands touch ground by front foot)
2:00 jump rope


  1. Hey.... did Justyne rat me out about missing the fire hydrants in my workout yesterday? Because I ended up doing those later on their own so I could be honest in claiming that I finished the workout!!!
