Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Steiner - you can do this one Wednesday; Milburn Thursday

Set 1
Set Interval/Tabata Timer to: 15 sets of :20 w/ :10 Transition

3 Rounds of:
:20 Left Leg Foam Roller IT Band
:20 Left Side Plank Hip Dip
:20 Right Leg Foam Roller IT Band
:20 Right Side Plank Hip Dip 
:20 Push Ups (nice, slow, strong)

Set 2
Set Interval/Tabata Timer to: 15 sets of :50 w/ :10 Transition

3 Rounds of:
:50 Jump Rope (change your rhythm today; speed 'er up!)
:50 Body Weight Squat (fold jump rope in half, hold over head, and pull end to end)
:50 Speed Burpee (on floor in tall plank, no jump, no push up - as many as possible in 1:00)
:50 Forward Step Alternating Lunge (step forward into heel, hands on hips)
:50 Tall Plank (knees or toes, roller or ground, push strong against ground)


  1. So excited to use my newly downloaded tabata timer. Although, I'm so fast and timely I'm sure I won't even need it ;)

  2. I'm so sore I can't even blow dry my hair. Hover planks did me in I think...
