Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2/Wk 5 Get Out Work Out

We all have our little voices inside our heads. They raise their ugly, cynic selves at work, home, health, sport, society - you've heard them. "You can, you can't, you should, you could, this one time won't hurt, I'll start that tomorrow, only if, yaddy yaddy yadda..." 

What's the little voice inside your head? Are you going to own it or let it own you??

Set 1
*tabata timer: 12 cycles/sets of :30 exercise time/:05 transition - try to not take any breaks; just move right into next set

2 Rounds of:
:30 quad foam roll
:30 elbow plank on roller, floor, or knees
:30 Left IT foam roller
:30 Left side plank on roller, floor, or knee
:30 Right IT foam roller
:30 Right side plank on roller, floor, or knee

Set 2
*tabata timer: 12 cycles/sets of :50 exercise time/:10 transition - try to not take any breaks; just move right into next set

2 Rounds of:
:50 9 push ups remainder tall plank on toes or knees
:50 Burpee no pushup (take note, Sutherland.)
:50 Left Leg Lunge do not alternate feet, hold jump rope tight overhead
:50 Right Leg Lunge do not alternate feet, hold jump rope tight overhead
2:00 jump rope (or two back to back sets on tabata, do not take transition break)


  1. Well I had to live up to the quote "you are who you are when no one is watching". If I did get the Get Out workout right I'd be unrecognizable to you!
