Friday, April 25, 2014

4/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

COREbyFOUR, baby!

Sets 1-3: *Set Tabata Timer for 12 cycles of :30/:15

Set 1
2 Rounds of:
:30 elbow plank
:30 dolphin

Set 2
4 Rounds of:
:30 8 push ups, remainder tall plank

Set 3
2 Rounds of:
:30 dolphin
:30 elbow plank

Set 4:00 Jump Rope (or set tabata for 4x:59/:1 transition)

Set 5
*set tabata timer for 16 cycles of :30 exercise/:10 transition

2 Rounds of:
1:00 (or 2 tabata rounds) step back lunge with twist to bent knee side left leg
:30 left leg lunge jump but don't alternate feet
1:00 (or 2 tabata rounds) step back lunge with twist to bent knee side right leg
:30 right leg lunge jump but don't alternate feet
1:00 as: :15 heisman (side to side hop lunge); :15 burpee/pushup; :15 body weight squat; :15 squat jump (work through :10 tabata transition time)

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