Saturday, April 19, 2014

5 PEEP Workout: 5/Wk 3 Get Out Work Out

It's just 5 Peeps. They feel weightless, look pretty, melt in your mouth....

Wait. You said melt in your mouth? Know why?

5 Peeps has 140 calories in them and weighs about 42g. (And if you watched the 60 Minutes video, you have a better understanding that it's not the CALORIES that COUNT, but WHAT the calories are made of that counts.)

Out of that 42grams, 36 of them are carbs. Out of the 36 carbs, 34 grams are sugar with 15 grams being sodium to preserve them. 

(Like they need preserving. What's going to go bad, for Peep's sake??)

So, in celebration of Easter, "Peeps", here's the:

Package O' PEEPs Workout:
34 cycles of :34 seconds = ~20 minutes

Set 1
*tabata timer users: set for 12 cycles/sets of :34 exercise time/:05 transition

4 Rounds of:
:34 elbow plank
:34 tall plank
:34 7 push ups/remainder tall plank

Set 2
*tabata timer users: set for 12 cycles/sets of :34 exercise time/:10 transition

4 Rounds of:
:34 fast jump rope
:34 squat/frog jumps
:34 goblet squat (with weight if you choose)

Set 3
*tabata timer users: set for 10 cycles/sets of :34 exercise time/:10 transition

5 Rounds of:
:34 harvard lunge
:34 alternating step back lunge, hands-on waist or hold a weight

And on that note, I truly do hope you each have a wonderful Easter celebrating the true meaning of the day with family and friends.

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