Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2/Wk 3: STILL SLASHing the SUGAR??

Week 3. Less than 6 teaspoons/week, gals; 9 guys.

How are we doing? Some are holding on tight, some may have strayed a bit. 

Come back.


Adjust your scope. 

If you're off track, let me or someone know. You need an accountability partner. There are plenty to go around, trust me! Perhaps it's just one habit to change. One adjustment to your eating to change. One step at a time.  

2/Wk3 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
(*if using tabata timer, set to 16 sets/cycles of :50 exercise time/:10 transition)

4 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 of burpee (no push up, with jump)
:50 of 7 push ups then remainder tall plank
:50 elbow plank superman (knee raises up to outside of body and body shifts forward, knees or toes)

Set 2
(*if using tabata timer, 4 sets/cycles of :50 exercise time/:10 transition)

:50 seconds each Foam Roll aggressively:
*Quads (changing foot position, internal/external rotation)
*IT Left Leg
*IT Right Leg


  1. How come 7 push-ups is so much harder than 6???

  2. Beware of the dolphin! Yikes!

    I would love to know what people are eating, and enjoying :). I would love some variety. For breakfast I have eggs, sautéed spinach and sometimes sausage or bacon (along with my first cup of coffee with milk and 1 t. Sugar). Occasionally I eat out meal for breakfast. Lunch is usually a salad with blue cheese crumbles, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper, and then some rolled up lunch meat. 2-3 times a week I eat the grandmas tabbouleh from whole foods. Dinner is meat/fish veggies. Snacks fruit, smoothies with protein powder, veggies (usually carrots), tuna on crackers with pickles and shredded cheddar cheese, nuts. My sugar treats are my coffee or wine (sometimes both). I no longer eat cereal, bagels, chocolate milk. What are you all doing??? I really like all of the above, I just know 9 weeks of that is going to get boring :).
