Friday, April 11, 2014

4/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

My dad used to tell me to "pull it up by the boot straps". I'd hear it often - when I was having a bad day, when I wasn't giving it my all, when I "fell down", and when I lost my focus.

"Pull It Up By The Boot Straps", friends. You are in a pivotal time of the challenge; it's coming to the end of week two and it is time to make a decision: Focus and Do This Thing or..."there will be another one". There's no guarantee there will be "another" anything (ouch, I know, but true).

Now's the time. Make a change. Get 'er done. No Regrets.
2 Group Work Outs
5 Get Out Work Outs
6/9 sugar cubes
...& lots of friends that care!

4/Wk2 Get Out Work Out

Set 1 
*Tabata Timer: 8 rounds :30 exercise time/:10 transition/recovery

4 Rounds of:
(up to you to either hold up entire time and NOT touch ground and make one continual exercise or take the transition time)

:30 elbow plank
:30 6 push ups then hold tall plank

Set 2
*Tabata Timer: not really a Tabata-style set, but if you choose to use the timer, transitions are quick, sets back to back and you will get a little extra time in: 30 rounds of :30 exercise time/:5 transition

3 Rounds of:
2:00 jump rope (4 sets of :30 if using tabata timer)
1:30 body weight squat (hold jump rope in half overhead and pull end to end) (3 sets of :30)
1:00 alternating step back lunge with trunk twist to bent knee side (2 sets of :30)
:30 Harvard fast lunges (optional floor touch) (1 set of :30)

1 comment:

  1. OK! This by far was soooo challenging. My arms are dead today. I hope I did it right. 192 puch ups!!!
