Monday, April 21, 2014

1/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

I've always loved mermaids.
Now I understand why.

Set 1
*if using tabata timer: 16 cycles/sets of :30 exercise/:05 transition

2 Rounds of:
1:00 (or two :30 sets on tabata) Left Side IT Foam Roller
:30 Left Side Side Plank (both feet on roller, ground or step. Can raise top leg)
:30 Left Side Half Turkish Get Up, with or without weight...FORM FORM FORM
1:00 (or two :30 sets on tabata) Right Side IT Foam Roller
:30 Right Side Side Plank (both feet on roller, ground or step. Can raise top leg)
:30 Right Side Half Turkish Get Up, with or without weight...FORM FORM FORM

Set 2
*if using tabata timer: 12 cycles/sets of :50 exercise/:10 transition

3 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 burpee with push up
:50 step back alternating lunge with twist to bent knee side
:50 kettlebell or dumbbell swing (strong squat and stand)

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