Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 5 Get Out Work Out

We are almost one week into SLASH the SUGAR and I've had interesting feedback, insights, lifestyle changes, and "ah-ha" moments - from adults and kids!

Many of you have told me how much better you feel - "surprisingly". Others have been shocked that they were getting so much sugar in their diet when they weren't even trying to eat something sweet. And some of you, who are already very conscious, cautious eaters, have found a few things out about what you've been eating by habit as well!

I've also learned a few things:
  • The chocolate milk I was addicted to while training for Ironman has 155 grams of sugar in it!!  I was drinking the entire bottle at the grocery store while shopping a couple times a week back then! Eeek! 
  • That having your OCD child count sugar grams is probably not good for one's own personal sugar consumption (wine ;-)
  • Having your husband at a lighter weight than he's been in 30 years ain't a bad thing!
So far, it has been a fun journey! Keep the info coming!

Day 5 Get Out Work Out

Warm Up: 1:00 Each Side IT Band Foam Roller

4 Rounds of:

:30 Elbow Plank
:30 Tall Plank on hands (constantly pushing ground away & if you want to up the level, go from planks right up into push ups)
5 Push Ups

4 Rounds of:

:30 fire hydrant each leg, each direction (thus, 1:00/leg)
10 squat jumps
15 body weight squats (slow and everything tight)
20 alternating step back lunges with trunk twist to bent knee side
25 Harvard lunges (the fast feet lunges each leg counts)
1:30 jump rope

Cool Down
1:30 Quad Foam Roller
1:30 Hamstring Foam Roller

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