Saturday, April 12, 2014

5/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Congratulations! We have a winner of the Get Out Work Out Over Achiever Award!

Shuron, you win! 192 Push Ups for yesterday's Get Out! Ouch. In your honor, we will NOT do 192 push ups today. (If you were Carey or Justyne, you would ask if you get extra sugar cubes for that - No.)

5/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out
*If using tabata timer: 21 rounds/sets of :50 (seconds)/:10 (seconds) transition/recovery

3 Rounds of:
:50 quad foam roller
:50 jump squat
:50 IT Band foam roller LEFT leg
:50 LEFT foot forward lunge; hold position and lunge jump (do not alternate feet)
:50 IT Band foam roller RIGHT leg
:50 RIGHT foot forward lunge; hold position and lunge jump (do not alternate feet)
:50 6 push ups then remainder elbow plank


  1. OK! So My thought process for the last workout was, " is this who I am when no one is looking!" I read the work out as 4 rounds with also using the tabata timer. Haha! The first part took my 22+ mins. I thought wow, I still have the second set to go!
    For Today's Get Out, I actually read the word "if using" the tabata timer then 21 rounds. I think I figured it out!! Anyway, this one was fun!

  2. Hahaha Shuron you SO get a bonus POUND of sugar!!!! I thought yesterday's get out was tough and I didn't do it 21 times. I can't stop giggling!!!
