Monday, April 14, 2014

1/Wk 3 Get Out Work Out

QOTD (quote of the day) in honor of KT's big "I C*&%T" bomb today! First one of the challenge, KT! You should be so proud! 50 Push Ups, Milburn! woohoo! (just a cool down for Shuron's 192 :-)

Week THREE!!! How are we doing? I'm hearing the majority of you say "I'm doing it! I'm staying within my sugar bars!" Now, that's not without some gritching and groaning from a few of you (biting my tongue on another shout out here...), but all in all, I do believe we are kicking sugar's booty! Especially our kiddos! Now THAT's a reason to SHOUT OUT!

I'm curious to know what some of us are replacing our sugar needs with? It is interesting how our body creates cravings based on time of day. My stupid vice was every time I'd get in the car, I'd crave a piece of gum. Can I tell you the battle I've had with that little 1/2"x1/2" coated cube in the past 2 weeks? It was a blasted addiction. I certainly didn't need it for fuel - it was a stupid craving. "I am stronger than a piece of gum." For Pete's sake, I sure hope I am! 

I wonder, is that little piece or glass of chocolate (milk) before bedtime out of habit or craving? Some of us were taking in another 2-300 calories before bedtime with our little chocolatey sugary pleasure. If you're not doing that anymore, that's a minimum 30-40 minutes of working out or exercising that you no longer need to burn that little bedtime simple pleasure. Hmm....pass on 8 oz of udder delight or do 192 push ups?

Please feel free to share what's changing for you. You'll be amazed how it can help another person stay committed - to their "authentic" self ;-)

1/Wk3 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
(*if using a tabata timer, set to 24 cycles/sets of :20 work/:5 transition)

4 Rounds of:
:20 LEFT Leg IT Foam Roller
:20 LEFT Side Plank Star (on knee, feet, roller or step; top leg and arm up; big strong reach)
:40 Elbow Plank (two continuous work sets on tabata timer here; try not to bring knees down if possible)
:20 RIGHT Side Plank Star (on knee, feet, roller or step; top leg and arm up; big strong reach)
:20 RIGHT Leg IT Foam Roller

Set 2
(*if using a tabata timer, 18 cycles/sets of :30 work/:10 transition)

3 Rounds of:
:30 Left Leg Fire Hydrant Circles (:15 forward/:15 backward)
:30 Left Leg Side Step Lunge (step into heal/push butt back)
:30 Left Leg Jump Rope
:30 Right Leg Fire Hydrant Circles (:15 forward/:15 backward)
:30 Right Leg Side Step Lunge (step into heal/push butt back)
:30 Right Leg Jump Rope


  1. As my old swim coach used to say, "Cows face the storm, Shuron!" Thanks KT for making us stronger!
    So I am starving all the time. Who can help? Have given up coffee creamer! I have become addicted to Bullet Coffee. Goggle it! Sounds gross but when you try it, it is amazing. Got me thru 192 push up:):)

    1. You are so welcome Shuron! I still think Milburn would kick me out of Boot Camp if they took a vote!! I'm hungry a lot of the time. Try Nut-trition. Planters makes it and it's pretty filling. Also Tuna Sensations is another good way to get in some protein and with a slow burn for energy. Bullet Coffee is my go-to for kick-starting my day. Thanks for the tip Shuron!!

      I think the big prize at the end of the challenge is GREAT HEALTH! If so, we ALL win!!!!

    2. Hungry all the time. Not a bad problem. It takes about 300 more calories to digest protein than sugar/carbs. So if your sugar has decreased and carbs have consequently decreased (or in some cases, folks have lowered high glycemic foods in addition to carbs) and you are replacing those calories with protein, then know it takes about 300 more calories to digest protein than carbs. Thus, you're going to boost that metabolic burn. HOWEVER, if you've replaced sugar with high glycemic carbs, the leptin in your system will be stopped in its tracks and you will feel hungry. So two scenarios. I vote for the higher protein :-) Which means eat frequently (every 3 hours) and eat clean and with good protein, high fiber (veggies), and good fats. If that's what's on the menu, then you can eat every time you feel hungry.

  2. I tried the ranch tuna and really like it...

    1. the lemon dill tuna is really good, too. I also enjoy just plain albacore with fresh key limes and himalayan salt. yum.
