Monday, April 7, 2014

1/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

A few folks have asked about a good way to stay on track with their daily Get Out Work Outs. You can use a timer, a clock, or I LOVE using a tabata timer app. There are many out there, and many that are free. I use Tabata+ Pro. What I love about it is that when I have workouts that are time based, then you can set the timer and not worry about another thing till the workout is over. Plus, it keeps those transitions short and keeps you moving (no names, KT ;-)

Moving forward I will tell you how you can set your tabata timer for workouts where it would be beneficial to use it.

1/Wk 2 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*Set Tabata Timer For: 9 sets of :20/:10 Recovery (RI)

3 Rounds of:
:20 Left Side Plank Hip Dips (choice: feet on floor, roller, step, curb)
:20 Right Side Plank Hip Dips
:20 Tall OR 1/2 Bent Arm Hover Plank (bend arms to deepest comfortable level and 'hover' for the :20; choice: feet on floor, roller, step, curb)

Set 2
*Set Tabata Timer For: 6 sets of :30/:10 Recovery (RI)

3 Rounds of:
:30 sprawl burpee
:30 alternating step back lunge with twist to bent knee side
:30 1 bound forward/2 bounds back in downhill ski position
:30 body weight squat
1:20 Jump Rope (2 tabata sets plus the Recovery intervals on Timer straight thru = 1:20 total)

Set 3
*Set Tabata Timer For: 6 sets of :30/:10 Recovery (RI)

:30 Side Leg Lift each position, each leg ("4, 6, 7" with top leg, floor to 10-12" up, control!) Hug knee, stretch hip between each set of :30

1:00 each hip, Glute Foam Roller

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