Friday, April 18, 2014

The Sweet Truth?

Many of you have asked "How am I going to get through Easter?" referring to the sweets, the festivities, the family and social opportunities.

I thought I'd share with you a 60 Minutes video clip about sugar. There's a doctor interviewed that I follow, mainly for my personal knowledge and continuing education benefit. 

I'm of the mindset that "knowledge is power." I can give you a vast amount of info about nutrition, exercise, being strong, and having will power; but to be educated and make decisions based on knowledge is an entirely different benefit.

The info you'll hear in this video, whether you watch it or just listen to it while driving, think it to be subjective or objective, is basically the cliff notes version of a series that the University of California is offering on their UCTV program. 

You can take it or leave it, or just take a snippet from it. Up to you. My goal, as it has been with this entire challenge, is that you then decide to educate yourself (and your family and friends) to find the information that works for you and that helps you make healthy choices. I'm just giving you info to give you an appetite to start the exploration.

Have a GOOD Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI, I dreamt last night that I was at a resort and the only thing they served was frosting!
    In my dream I will confess I ate it!! Woke up sweating:):) YIKES!
