Friday, April 25, 2014

3/Wk 4 Get Out Work Out

Main Set
*if using a tabata timer: 18 cycles/sets of 1:00 exercise time/:10 transition

3 Rounds of:
2:00 Jump Rope (or two sets on tabata, jump through transition time)
1:00 left leg stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders - left leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of left leg. try to barely touch right knee to floor; left knee square over left foot
1:00 right leg stationary lunge squats holding jump rope in half, tight overhead, hands over shoulders - right leg forward and stays there entire time; move up and down working hip/glute of right leg. try to barely touch left knee to floor; rt. knee square over rt. foot
1:00 8 push ups, then right down to elbow plank for remainder
1:00 as: :15 seconds each of: Heisman (side to side "hop" lunge on one foot); burpee with push up; body weight squats; squat jumps

Foam Roller Quads 1:30

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