Friday, April 18, 2014

4/Wk 3 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*if using a tabata timer, set for: 10 cycles/sets of :50 exercise time/:10 transition or work straight through transition

2 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope (single legs :25 each or both legs for :50)
:50 body weight squat, holding jump rope shoulder width tight overhead - no push up; just good, strong, tall plank. 
:50 prisoner burpee (never stand up, hips low, finger tips up behind head between each burpee)
:50 alternating forward lunge, hands on hips
:50 harvard lunge (fast feet alternating lunge touching top of curb/step,etc, hands can touch step or stay chest level)

Set 2
*if using a tabata timer, set for: 12 cycles/sets of :40 exercise time/:05 transition

3 Rounds of:
:40 half turkish get up left side (no weight, just form, straight arm STAYS straight up, IN imaginary target)
:40 half turkish get up right side
:40 7 push ups, remainder tall plank
:40 elbow plank

Foam Roller
1:00 each leg inner thigh

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