Monday, May 19, 2014

1/Wk 8 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*tabata timer: 5 cycles :50 exercise time/:10 recovery

5 Rounds
:50 12 Push Ups elbow plank remainder of time or try to cycle through as much as possible with no break by staying on toes or knees

Set 2
*tabata timer: 15 cycles :50 exercise time/:10 recovery

3 Rounds
:50 burpee with push up and jump
:50 jump rope
:50 step forward alternating lunge, hands overhead holding jump rope tight
:50 left lunge; squat; right lunge, hands overhead holding jump rope tight
:50 as :25 left leg forward split jump; :25 right leg forward split jump (do not alternate)


  1. side plank Plate pass-unders from Monday were very unkind to my back. Bring on the advil and muscle relaxers...

  2. I guess this is where life begins then...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ruh oh!! Guess you should have kept your plate for yourself! Next time!! And glad you had a rebirth today! ;)
