Thursday, May 15, 2014

3/Wk 7 Get Out Work Out

Remember, Fed Up is showing Friday at 12:05 at Arbor Cinema if you want to meet up! 

In the meantime...

Set 1
*tabata timer: 9 cycles of :40 exercise time/:05 transition, try to move right into next move with no down time

3 Rounds of:
:40 11 push ups, tall plank remainder
:40 :20 left arm plank riser and :20 right arm
:40 elbow plank

Set 2
*tabata timer: 12 cycles of :55 exercise time/:05 transition, try to move right into next move with no down time

3 Rounds of:
:55 Jump Rope
:55 holding jump rope tight overhead, lateral lunge left, stand tall in middle, lateral lunge right, repeat. Jump rope overhead entire time
:55 body weight jump squats
:55 3/4 squats (set weight or find a step, bench or curb and lower butt to touch, then stand up, tall, strong torso, till quads just past parallel to ground (3/4 of way to standing)

1:00 Cool Down: Quad Foam Roller side, middle, side

Does Ungabear's new yoga mat make ALL of their butts look small???
California King, Baby!


  1. Mark, can we have a sleepover on your mat tonight?

    1. Yes please bring beer in those big fosters oilcans to maintain the illusion of our small butts.
