Friday, May 30, 2014

4/Wk 9 Get Out Work Out

Two more Get Outs! YIKES!! Yes, I know Sunday is June 1, but we're finishing the week and the challenge strong my friends!

YES! We will come together, party, share stories/successes/challenges/new ventures) and eat Pixie Sticks soon! (Ok, one pixie stick that Julie has been saving; we'll all share ;-) I'll send out date options and we'll plan a get together! 

In the meantime, GET OUT!!!

Set 1
*tabata timer: 9 cycles of :40 exercise/:05 transition

3 Rounds of:
:40 13 push ups; hold tall plank
:40 as half time right arm elbow plank to tall plank riser; other half left arm
:40 elbow plank half time holding left knee to left shoulder (stalled superman); half time right knee

Set 2
*tabata timer: 14 cycles of :50 exercise/:10 transition

2 Rounds of:
:50 jump rope
:50 fire hydrant left leg; half time forward; half time backward
:50 left leg forward static lunge (do not alternate legs)
:50 alternating lunge split jump
:50 fire hydrant right leg; half time forward; half time backward
:50 right leg forward static lunge (do not alternate legs)
:50 alternating lunge split jump

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