Friday, May 23, 2014

3/Wk 8 Get Out Work Out

Set 1
*tabata timer: 6 cycles of :30 exercise/:05 transition - try to work straight through it and to go take break

3 Rounds of:
:30 12 push ups then tall plank
:30 elbow plank as :15 left arm reach straight forward (and right leg up?) then :15 right arm reach straight forward (and left leg up?)

Set 2
*tabata timer: 15 cycles of :55 exercise/:05 transition 

3 Rounds of:
:55 jump rope fast (alternate legs if you wish)
:55 left leg lateral lunge (not big step to side, but drop hips low and push butt out behind you) hold jump rope tight overhead
:55 jump rope fast (alternate legs if you wish)
:55 right leg lateral lunge (not big step to side, but drop hips low and push butt out behind you) hold jump rope tight overhead
:55 jump squat hands touch ground if possible to high overhead reach

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