Thursday, May 29, 2014

3/Wk 9 Get Out Work Out

Maya Angelou passed yesterday. She was one of those literary rocks in my life; wisdom beyond my years. Words and poetry that connected me to history, to a walk from a woman who had experienced so much in life and touched so many others. When I heard her speak, I did not just hear words, I felt her journey. Thank you, Maya Angelou. 

Friday Get Out
Set 1
*tabata timer: 12 cycles of :40 exercise/:05 transition

3 Rounds:
:40 diamond push ups
:40 quad foam roller all sides of quads
:40 13 push ups; remainder tall plank knees, toes or foam roller
:40 elbow plank alternating :10 left arm reach/:10 right; repeat; knees, toes or foam roller

Set 2
*tabata timer: 11 cycles of: 1:00 exercise/:05 transition

1 Round
4:00 Jump Rope (4 tabata rounds)
1:00 harvard lunge (fast feet use curb or bend if possible)
3:00 Jump Rope (3 tabata rounds)
1:00 squat jump
2:00 alternating side lunge with jump squat in middle (hip/glute work); (2 tabata rounds)

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