Friday, May 9, 2014

4/Wk 6 Get Out Work Out

Rumor has it (from a somewhat reliable source) that we may have a team high of 1032 consecutive jump ropes!! Gulp!! Love it - raising the bar for us all! So guess what???

Set 1
4:00 Jump Rope

Set 2
*tabata timer: 18 cycles of: :30 exercise/:05 transition

3 Rounds of
:30 fast foam roll IT band left leg - roll fast and solid hip to knee
:30 side plank left side (on knee, ground or foam roller) hip dip
:30 10 push-up then tall plank
:30 fast foam roll IT band right leg
:30 side plank right side (on knee, ground or foam roller) hip dip
:30 10 push-up then tall plank

Set 3
4:00 Jump Rope

Set 4
3:00 alternating forward step lunge holding jump rope overhead

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