Monday, May 26, 2014

1/Wk 9 Get Out Work Out!

The Finish Line is near! COREbyFOUR and SLASHtheSUGAR is in its last week! Just four more Get Out's to go!

The goal was awareness, education, and helping people improve their pillars of fitness - core, mobility, strength and endurance. And you each have dug in your heals and made it happen! I've heard such great, positive feedback! (Well, ok, the sugar thing wasn't always positive! But you know what? If you hadn't of been complaining, I wouldn't have known you were paying attention!! :-)

And I LOVE the way many of you have dedicated yourselves to just 20' a day! Very consistently done!

EVERYONE has made great strides. Some kicking, some bucking, some still munching on Cheetos - but everyone truly learned something. And the beautiful thing - we have an entirely new generation you've helped educate! Way to go, Momma's and Pappa's! Passing it Forward ~ to your kids, your friends, neighbors, and families. So very awesome!

Tuesday's Get Out
Set 1
*tabata timer: 8 cycles of :40 exercise/:05 transition

2 Rounds:
:40 tall plank
:40 push up
:40 alternating shoulder touch from elbow plank (touch shoulder and try to take elbow of touching hand off ground)
:40 elbow plank hold

Set 2
*tabata timer: 15 cycles of :55 exercise/:05 transition

3 Rounds:
2:00 (two tabata cycles) jump rope try alternating feet or get some single leg jumps in
:55 step back alternating lunge with trunk twist to bent knee side (holding jump rope tight overhead)
:55 holding jump rope tight overhead, squat, hold rope tight and touch shins or ankles; then push jump rope tight overhead and stand and/or power jump
:55 alternate lateral lunge to side, tall jump in middle with feet close together, repeat other side

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