Saturday, May 31, 2014

5/Wk 9 Get Out Work Out

If you're reading this, it is probably because you've been committed to weekly Get Outs. If so, way to go!! Nine weeks is a special amount of time to move something toward becoming a habit. Hopefully your daily Get Outs have been more than just a habit, but a new way of life that you can get a quick workout in that builds fitness and health for a lifetime.

Enjoy - and keep continue to Get Out!

Set 1
5:00 Jump Rope

Set 2
*tabata timer: 5 cycles :55 exercise/:05 transition

1 Round
:55 quad foam roller
:55 13 push ups then hold tall plank on roller, knees or toes
:55 elbow plank
:55 13 push ups then plank risers alternating arms
:55 elbow plank as :10 left knee to elbow and hold; :10 right knee, repeat approx time

Set 3
*tabata timer: 5 cycles :55 exercise/:05 transition

1 Round
:55 step back left leg with trunk twist to bent knee side
:55 step back right leg with trunk twist to bent knee side
:55 squat jump
:55 step back left leg with trunk twist to bent knee side
:55 step back right leg with trunk twist to bent knee side

Set 4
*tabata timer: 5 cycles :55 exercise/:05 transition

:55 burpee w/ push up
:55 jump rope
:55 burpee w/ push up
:55 jump rope
:55 burpee w/ push up

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